Thursday, September 20, 2012

Transmission Maintenance

Your transmission is what sends power from your engine. To convert the speed of the engine into torque, the transmission uses gears and a clutch. There are generally two types of transmission; automatic and manual. Regardless of which type you use, however, it is important that you engage in routine transmission maintenance to ensure that all components are functioning properly, ensuring a smooth and safe ride for all vehicle passengers.

To replace an entire transmission can be quite costly. Thus, it is extremely important that we do everything that we can to make our transmissions last as long as possible. How long does the average transmission last? It really depends on the quality of the transmission and the amount of maintenance that it undergoes. 

Obviously, higher quality transmissions will last longer than low quality ones. In addition, the more transmission maintenance your vehicle undergoes, the more longevity you can expect it to have. 

If you want to maintain the longevity of your transmission, you will need to monitor your transmission fluid regularly. This fluid plays several roles transferring heat, allowing for smooth transition of gears, and preventing wear. Thus, it is extremely important that you keep your fluids clean and your fluid levels high. You can do this by taking your vehicle in for routine transmission maintenance checks.

In addition to taking your vehicle in for routine checkups, you should also keep your eye open for any signs of transmission problems. Leaking fluids, shakiness, delayed drive or reverse actions, burning smells, harsh shifting, and check engine lights can all be a sign that something may be wrong with your transmission. If you notice any of these issues while driving, take your vehicle in for a checkup as soon as possible.

Because routine checkups are essential in preventing transmission problems, it is recommended that you take your vehicle in for a fluid and filter change every 30, 000 miles. If you drive in severe conditions, this should be increased to every 15, 000 miles. If you are not a mechanic, do not attempt to do this yourself. Just because you can change your own engine oil does not mean you can change your own transmission oil. Transmission maintenance is a much more difficult process that should be left to the professionals.

Once again, the importance of taking your vehicle in for routine maintenance checks should be stressed. The costs of the average maintenance check ranges anywhere from $50 to $100. And while it may seem strange to pay money when nothing is wrong, this small fee is nothing compared to the $1500 (plus labor) that you will have to pay out should something really go wrong with your transmission!

If you are in need of transmission maintenance or repair, head to your local Ramona Tire. With friendly representatives and certified mechanics, Ramona Tire offers the best auto service in Southern California. To find a location near you, visit their website at A knowledgeable representative will be able to answer any questions that you may have, and can also set up an appointment to have your transmission repaired or checked.

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